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WWF x Birdie — €15.000 donation (August, 2024)

WWF x Birdie — €15.000 donation (August, 2024)

WOW 😳 Last month (August, 2024) we donated 106.646 DKK (€15.000) to @wwfWhen Twitter went extinct last year, we revived it from the ashes like a phoenix and turned it into Birdie® X-tinct 🪺Unfortun...

Clerkenwell Design Week x Birdie (May, 2024)

Clerkenwell Design Week x Birdie (May, 2024)

In May 2024, we attended the esteemed Clerkenwell Design Week in London ... And we've made a videographic postcard for anyone curious about our Birdie Roadshow ✌️   Vis dette opslag på...

Syd for Solen x Birdie (August, 2024)

Syd for Solen x Birdie (August, 2024)

Last month (August, 2024) we sponsored an open air festival...But why, really — Birdie is about indoor air quality, right?Well, our ultimate goal is for people to spend as much time as possible out...

Butchers & Bicycles x Birdie (August, 2024)

Butchers & Bicycles x Birdie (August, 2024)

90% of your life is spent indoors. Mostly in poor air quality. That’s why we invented Birdie.But you know what’s even better than bringing the fresh air inside? — bringing yourself outside in the f...

Japanese Limited Editions (August, 2024)

Japanese Limited Editions (August, 2024)

新作 🇯🇵 JAPAN DROP ~ Birdie (very) Limited Editions Written by Hans AugustenborgSeptember 4, 2024 — 1 minute reading time In August, 2024 we made a collaboration very special to us.With only 198 un...

Birdie Easter Egg Hunt (2024)

Chasse aux œufs de Pâques Birdie (2024)

🐣🤫🪺En mars 2024, nous avons caché une douzaine d'œufs d'oiseaux dans le monde entier pour que nos ornithologues amateurs les trouvent 🌟 Avec 10 influenceurs et des centaines de participants, cela ...